Welcome to Santa Anna Restaurant

Come meet us

Our restaurant has been located for more than 90 years next to the Boquería Market, the gastronomic cathedral of Barcelona, a short walk from the Rambla de Canaletes and surrounded by shops and numerous places of interest.
We have made family treatment, a close atmosphere and the balance between tradition and innovation our ideal.
We offer homemade Mediterranean cuisine: menu and daily menu.

Our history
Our story began when our great-grandfather, Josep Vila, together with a colleague from the famous and at the same time disappeared Tívoli creamery on Calle Casp, decided to become independent and found their own business.
They began their adventure in 1929, acquiring a place specializing in cold cuts, chicken jellies, and cheeses and butter from the Pyrenees on the pedestrian street of Santa Anna, which begins on the Rambla, and which is still in the hands of the family of its founders.
In its In its beginnings it was a delicatessen with a bar, a grill and a restaurant specializing in sausages, game and pastries. Josep Vila was a pioneer in the elaboration of cold cuts, there were queues to taste it.

Crispy chicken burger with home fries
(Lettuce, tomato, cheddar cheese, cucumber and special sauce)